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Eli Casaus

2023 Vision

2023 Vision Board

3, 2, 1… Happy New Year! I do not think I have ever been more happy to say goodbye to a year and hello to a new one. 2022 was very challenging on a personal level and a lot in my life changed. I experienced grief on a level I could never have fathomed in losing a parent. I made major life changes personally and professionally. Not all of 2022 was bad but it definitely makes me excited for 2023.

We have so many opportunities to start anew. There’s each year on our birthday, the new school year, the new fiscal year, a new week, month or year… but there’s something special about the spirit of a new calendar year. Back in 2016 when I first became a connected educator and started blogging I discovered and gave a try what so many others do with instead of a resolution adopting a #OneWord to theme the year. I did that for a few years and enjoyed and grew from it. But I am someone who aims to always do things with the deepest of intention so last year I gave something a try and this year I feel compelled to share it with you. Instead of reflecting and allowing a word to come to me I spent my time reflecting and laying out a vision for the year and creating for myself a vision board.

So, I am sharing with you my 2023 Vision Board that outlines the different things I envision for my coming year all the while seeking to continue to grow myself in all aspects of life through pictures. Each picture I place on the board means something to me and matches up with goals and bringing to life a vision I have to the coming year. Some are obvious to others looking at it while others only make sense to me.

I have found that by creating a vision rather than saying I am committing to set actions or a word to live by that I am able to reach goals I am setting but also pushing beyond that because the target continuously can move and adapt because the vision is so big picture and long-term and is meant to adapt over time so that growth is able to still happen. I also create in a Google Doc so that I can add to it as I feel called to as I work through the year. Growth only truly happens as we adjust as needed after all.

Whatever method you are choosing for 2023, whether it resolutions, a #OneWord, “new year, same me”, trying out this vision board technique, or whatever it is you’re choosing, do it with the right intent and you can’t/won’t fail at growing and that is all that truly matters. Here’s to deeper #RealConnections in 2023!

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